Kalahari GeoEnergy CEO presents at the 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference

26 November 2016
Kalahari GeoEnergy CEO presents at the 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from the 2nd to the 4th of November 2016.


Proceedings, 6th African Rift Geothermal Conference
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd – 4th November 2016

Peter Vivian-Neal (1), Peter Harrison (2) and Abel Chavula (3)
1 Kalahari GeoEnergy Ltd, Lusaka, ZAMBIA, peter.vivian-neal@kalaharigeoenergy.com
2 Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA, peter@dunkelly.co.za
3 ZESCO, Lusaka, ZAMBIA achavula@zesco.co.zm

Key Words: Bwengwa River, drilling, resource


Zambia hosts a number of geological structures that are recognised as being prospective for geothermal energy. Historic work has included regional reconnaissance and the installation of a geothermal pilot power plant. The Country’s current move to diversify from near total reliance on hydro-power, and concurrently both increase generating capacity to redress a significant power deficit and increase power distribution, together with a favourable regulatory environment, has created the opportunity to further investigate the Country’s geothermal potential. At a National level, systematic geothermal resource mapping and exploration is being advocated, but which requires capacity building. Meanwhile, Kalahari GeoEnergy Ltd, a private company has conducted extensive exploration at Bwengwa River, which lies within the Kafue Trough, Southern Zambia, where a medium-low enthalpy geothermal energy resource of 10-20MW has been established, which has the characteristics of a technically viable geothermal power production resource. Results indicate that similar structures elsewhere in the basin are prospective for additional geothermal resources similar to that at Bwengwa River.


Download the Country Update Report for Zambia in pdf file format here.